Bailey's Blog

Monday, December 07, 2009

The speaker this weekend at camp was a former pro football player named Chuck.
Chuck loves Jesus.
And I liked Chuck.

One of the club talks he gave was on the idea of truly diving into your faith rather than just claiming it. He discussed the idea of moving away from "I'm a Christian because I was raised that way" to "I follow Jesus because I am madly and fiercely in love with Him."

Needless to say, it was a convicting talk for everyone.

But he used a specific illustration that really stuck out to me.

It was about this crazy acrobat guy who was tight rope walking across the top of Niagara Falls. There was a group gathered on one side cheering him on and watching in anxious amazement.
When he reached the other side everyone clapped and cheered. He did what they thought couldn't be done. And they were impressed.
So he decided to kick it up a notch. He asked the crowd if they thought he could walk back across pushing a wheelbarrow. They said they did.
So he did it.
And once again they were impressed. They clapped and cheered.
But he still wasn't finished.
This time he asked the crowd if they thought he could walk back across pushing a person in the wheelbarrow.
And again, they all said they did.
So he pointed to one of the more verbal audience members, a guy towards the front who had loudly encouraged this new feat, and said "You think I can do it?"
The guy answered with a strong "Yes!"
"Well then," he replied "get in."

The guy wouldn't get in the wheelbarrow.
No one would.

So the crazy acrobat guy turned and walked away.

I don't want to just say that I believe Jesus can do what he promises to do.
This is not about words.
He says He can and will change my heart and my life.
He says He will lead and direct and guide me in all my ways.
He says He will draw near to me as I draw near to Him.
He says He will quiet me with His love.
He says He will go before me.

And I believe those things.
But I don't want to just say it.

I want to get in the wheelbarrow.

I want to look down and see nothing but wild, rushing waters and feel the mist on my face and know that the only thing keeping me alive, the only thing getting me to the other side, is Jesus.

I wan't to get in the wheelbarrow.

I was made to.

And I'm sick of just standing on the ground.


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