Bailey's Blog

Saturday, October 04, 2008

I know I'm not the first person to think this, say this, blog about this.
But really why does everyone seem to gauge the "college experience" on dating?
I'd say about 98% of the conversations I have with friends and family include "so...have you met anyone yet?" or "how are the boys in your life?" or something along those lines.
You know I get that most people meet their future spouse in college. I think thats cool.
But maybe I just don't want to meet anyone right now.
Maybe I'm getting things right with God and with myself before I even attempt to try to get things right with a guy.
Maybe for the first time in my life I'm learning what its like to be okay without a boy.
It just feels like the awesome things that I'm doing and experiencing and learning take a back seat to dating.
And I know that people just want the best for me. I know they just care about my life and don't mean to lessen the excitement of the other parts of college.
But I guess its just annoying.
Cause I am doing and experiencing and learning awesome things.
Like younglife, and sorority formal, and flag football, and running, and small group biblestudy, and reading.
So thanks for asking, grandma/friend/cousin/whoever. I really do appreciate it...honestly.
But no, I'm not dating anyone and yes, when I am I'll let you know. I'll tell you all about him...
until then, lets talk about something else.


At 5:33 AM , Blogger Brent said...

As much as it annoys you... I'm REALLY glad I started so many of our conversations with...

"so, what's God teaching you these days?"

And, after reading your blog...

...I think I know. This is good. Very good.

At 11:36 AM , Blogger Schweers' Mom said...

That's an interesting observation. If I were to ask someone about college, it would never cross my mind to ask about the dating scene. I loved college - mostly because of the freedom it represented for me and because of how much I enjoyed the learning process and also because it was exciting to think about all the possibilities in my life. And maybe it doesn't cross my mind because I didn't meet my spouse at college or grad school. Go figure. Great thoughts...


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