Bailey's Blog

Monday, November 29, 2004

sCaRs hEaL...gLoRy FaDeS...

A few months ago I was hanging out with Keila at her house and we randomly decided to watch some of her home videos. One movie that we watched was a performance put on by all four of the Lorenc girls when they were younger. In one part of the "show" Ali Lorenc does a cartwheel and ends up hitting her foot on the side of a desk. It was one of those things that you kind of saw happen very slowly and right after it happened your own foot hurt because you could tell how hard she hit. We rewinded the video and watched it again...Right before she started her cartwheel, i almost wanted to scream at her to stop because, obviously, we knew what was going to happen. We saw her start the cartwheel and no matter how much we wanted to stop her from getting hurt, there was nothing we could do. You just had to watch it and feel the pain with her when it happened.
I think there are a lot of people who have felt that same thing before. You can tell when someone, or even yourself is headed in to something that is going to end up painful and as much as you want to stop it, you can't. Or you dont. That feeling pretty much sucks.

Almost as much as when you wake up on a Monday morning and know that you have a whole week until you get a break from school...that one sucks too.

thought for the night: a best friend walks in when the world walks out.

"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." :)


At 8:43 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Bailey.... I love you!


At 8:10 PM , Blogger bAiLeY said...

yeah...and also you try to make things better but then your "best friends" decide that you arent good enough so all of the sudden random people you dont even know are coming up and asking you about stuff that is no where near true...because said friends think spreading rumors is a mature way to handle something...well life is just glorious is it not?


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