Bailey's Blog

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So i had three tests and a paper due last week...the paper and my spanish test i've yet to receive a grade for...
but somehow i made the worst grade ive EVER made on a test on one of them...and the best grade in the entire class on the other.
and i think i studied equally for them both.

I'm going to Mobile for Mardi Gras this weekend with a HUGE group of my friends and I'm so excited! That will definitely make up for my ridiculously awful test grade. Moon Pies = <3.


At 8:33 AM , Blogger Brent said...

As was common logic among my fraternity brothers when we might've gone to, say, Mardi Gras, BEFORE a day when we had three tests and failed two with very low failure marks:

You can always retake a class, but that year's trip to Mardi Gras will NEVER happen again.


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