Bailey's Blog

Sunday, January 08, 2006

...9 DaYs!!...

Lets just talk about how January is a wonderful month...
Right, so last week was Keila's birthday, which was followed by this weekend's wonderful surprise (which i will talk about next.) Then next weekend is PineCove No agenda!!! which is closely followed by my birthday!!! Then the following weekend is me and Lindsey's combined party, followed by my mom's birthday. Basically, January is amazing.

So about the surprise...

Well my parents told Keila and I that as a birthday gift they were going to pay for us to go out to eat on Friday. I had made plans with Brent to get coffee right after school which I didnt think would be a problem because I figured we wouldnt eat until 6:30, 7 anyway. Little did I know the plan was to eat at 5:30 and then be back at Keila's by 7. So I kind of ruined that because we didnt actually get to Chille's until 6.
Thinking nothing of it, we took our time to order an appetizer and then our meals. At around 7ish Keila's mom came inside to give us our last present. She gave us each a 20 dollar gift card to Starbucks and told us to pay for the meal and then go get dessert. Well our waiter was taking a long time but it didnt really matter to us, until Katie called. She told us that Amanda's parents gave her a new Xterra and they wanted us to come out and see it. We said we would after we paid and went to the bathroom, but she insisted on us coming right then. We were pretty annoyed by that point but tried to hurry so she would stop bothering us.
Well we walk out of Chille's and see a white, stretch limo in front of the building and our parents with cameras standing next to it. So of course we freaked out and started screaming. Then we opened the door to find some of our absolute closest friends inside and we freaked out even more. We got 2 hours in limo to do whatever we wanted (we ended up going to the Gaylord Texan for pictures and then back to Keilas.) We all spent the night there and had an amazing night.

Basically our parents and our friends rock times ten and it was definently the best surprise ever.

To wrap it all up, January is amazing and birthday's rock.


At 8:10 PM , Blogger spartacus21 said... this is what the story was about! Cool

At 8:57 AM , Blogger Brent said...

I knew all about it during Starbucks, too!


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