Bailey's Blog

Sunday, December 07, 2008

This morning my pastor spoke about the journey from darkness to light, referencing John 1:3-5:
"Everything was created through him; nothing - not one thing! - came into being without him. What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn't put it out."
(The Message)
His main focus was on the idea of Christ as this perfect light that: 1. Brings order to chaos, 2. Reveals truth, and 3. Guides us perfectly. As we step out from the darkness and further into the light we see more of how unworthy we are and how loving He is.
The idea isn't entirely new to me. I've heard sermons based around it before. But God let me hear it differently this morning. I think I've let my fears and uncertainties about walking in the Light bring me down recently. When we see how great He is, we see how terrible we are, and I feel like Satan has been delighted to throw my inadequacies in my face.
But this morning I was reminded of where this journey is taking me: perfect fellowship with Christ. While we'll never fully get there until heaven, we can continue to get closer. There's always more to learn. I'm amazed that even though my entire salvation is based on God's grace, I forget that it applies to my everyday failures too. How great is our God.


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