Bailey's Blog

Saturday, March 19, 2005

...ThErE WaS NeVeR AnY MyStErY LiKe WhO ShOt JoHn F. KeNnEdY...

So as a lot of you probably know I did try-out for JV cheerleading and I did end up making the squad even though my try-out was basically HORRIBLE because my voice cracked and I sounded like a man. I mean of course on that night I was freaking out because all of the FaB FoUr... in fact everyone who was on the squad last year (+ chloe and kylie) made it again and it was just really exciting. But then today it kind of hit me just all the things that i didn't like about cheerleading last year, and all the time and work that i have to do and so I'm not quite as excited as thursday night. BUT ive decided that this year I'm going to at least try to make the best of it and make this kind of a "trial year" i guess and really and truly decide if I want to do it my Junior and Senior years. But camp is the first week of June so I don't know what that means about Mexico... :(

however....its SPRING FREAKIN BREAK!!!! and good gosh am i excited!

Minus the fact that Chris is in Alamabama with my brother on MY farm! So I dont get to see him and I'm super jealous that im not at the farm... :(

But other then that, its going to be amazing...especially next friday when me and the best chick in the whole wide world aka eLiZaBeTh LeE SpRiNg! are going to SEAWORLD!!! And that is going to be freaking awesome!

Yesterday after school Brandon, Jerod, Brian and I went to pick up liz and then they dropped me and her off at target for like 15 minutes. We saw John Nurge there, got frappacinos, returned some extremely ill-fitting shorts, and bought a disney duck tales CD that was $5.72 instead of the $1 that we thought lol. Then they picked us back up and took us to addies where we stayed for maybe 10 minutes before I had to come home to clean my room. Then nicole and addie came over to help and we ordered pizza and played the game of Life. Then Chris, Brandon, Jerod, and Brian left for their hunting trip. I'm so flippin jealous because they get to go out on MY farm for a week w/ their best friends and no parents or anything. But whatever. So then Liz went to hang out w/ Isaac and Julie...akward turtle! And Nicole and Addie spent the night. Which was way fun.

So now I have the rest of this week to do whatever I want because its SPRING BREAK baby and I have NO school, and NO homework, and NO evil teachers, and NO nothing! And I couldn't be happier about it. :)

Happy Spring Break Everyone!!


At 1:10 PM , Blogger bAiLeY said...

other than that**

At 3:32 PM , Blogger Craig said...

No Mexico??...You have no idea how much that hurts me.


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