Bailey's Blog

Thursday, March 10, 2005

...wHiNe TiMe...

List Of Reasons Why Bailey Is Stressed:

-midterms... Yesterday I took the essay portion of my English exam and kicked its butt. Then I took the oral and essay portion of my Spanish exam...the Oral part was like horrific but I got a 19 out of 20 on the essay part. Then today I took Biology and the rest of english... that didnt go that great. Tomorow is the rest of spanish and thats gonna kill me.

-cheerleading tryouts... okay look, i understand that i deserve to be stressed for this because I shouldn't be trying out because I really dont like cheerleading that much. However, with clinic monday and tuesday, mock-tryouts on wednesday, and try outs on thursday I'm mega stressed. Mostly about tumbling because I've had the same skills for like a year now and Im not improoving. I still have the option of backing out. I'm not going to but it's kind of annoying that I could. Just because I know that I should....or something like that.

-Great Expectations... i have to read the first lets see 29 chapters by monday and I am on chapter 5. This is a big problem...not to mention the fact that I have no desire what-so-ever to read it because I'm not interested in the story line.

-Espanol... uh other than the fact that I hate it...I'm barely making an A in that class...i have a 90.7 i think. But considering it is a non pre-AP class, I need to keep the A if I want to help my GPA. And with the Oral part of the exam that counts for 20 percent of my overall dead.

-Time... i have SOO much stuff going on these days that im having like a ton of trouble finding time for everything. Between school, cheerleading, church, friends, familym homework and all the little things like trips to starbucks or the mall - i am like always going going going and never get any sleep...let alone quiet time. So thats nearly no time for a biblestudy or just like "dont have to think" time.

-CD player - my headphones broke...i know thats stupid...but its a MAJOR problem for bailey because her CD player is her LIFE.

What happened to my optimism?

**Its late in the evening...she wondering what clothes to wear...**


At 8:28 PM , Blogger bAiLeY said...


At 5:17 AM , Blogger Brent said...

"So thats nearly no time for a bible study or just like "dont have to think" time."

*Youth Pastor Expected Response Forthcoming*

Seems to me that if you did both of these first that the rest of the stress might dissipate (look it up).


At 1:40 PM , Blogger bAiLeY said...

i know what dissipate means thank you very much! :)


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