Bailey's Blog

Saturday, February 19, 2005

...CaLiFoRnIa DiDn'T TeLL YoU...

My Mom is so great. I definently dont give her enough credit sometimes. She picked me up from school yesterday ready to go shopping for a dress for cheerleading banquet. I'd gone shopping with Lindsey, Liz, and Taylar the weekend before for dresses but came up short when the one black dress that I was absolutely in love with was too expensive.
Friday however was not the best day that I've ever had. Whatever sickness that I had a week or two ago has yet to leave my system and I was feeling exceptionally under the weather. So we started out at a consignment shop 407 with little luck considering all the dresses were like 80's prom dresses. Then went to the CCA resale store and though I still couldnt find one, I bought a few things including a cute, vintage sweater and some new t-shirts. The same thing happened when we went to DOTS and Thrift World. So we drove home around 8 o clock with no dress but some new clothes. I hadn't been to thrift world in a while and had almost forgotten the incredible awesomeness of that store.
So I came home and went in my room to made plans with the FaB FoUr. I changed into sweats and a t shirt and opened my door to go eat something. Right when I walked out I saw the above-mentioned amazing, black dress hanging from my door frame. :) :)!!!
So now I have the perfect dress and im going with my amazing, wonderful friends. Banquet is 2 weeks away and I'm so excited!

So anyway last night was FaB FoUr night again...we went to rich-o lindsey's house and ate old valentines candy. Then we called brandon and he picked us up and took us to WalMart so we could buy sewing needles. (dont ask.) Ryan and Randy came up there but we were in a hurry and didnt get to hang out with them...then since the world is against us and fab four night never works out.... hentizle had to leave @ 11:30 because her brother came in town. So Jenny and Eathen came over and we wasted two hours of pain and frustration for nothing!! GR! Then eathen left and the rest of our night/morning was...well...insane. But lindsey's alive so its okay! haha.
Needless to say it was a very interesting night of chocolate, and belly button piercings, and scary cats, and annoying little sisters, and near-death experiences. But it was way fun.

So today I'm babysitting my little sister from 4ish until tomorow at 12 because my parents are going out for their anniversary. That should be interesting...

**The amazing, jumping tales of GuMmY bEaRs!!** :) i love the fab four!!


At 4:41 PM , Blogger spartacus21 said...

i LOVE thrift world..i even found its eqivalent over here in Holland!!! too bad i can't talk it all back with me. everything is vintage to them but it's like 5 times our vintage! alright. time for bed alicia.


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