Bailey's Blog

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

If only...

There are so many people who inspire me in so many different ways. My parents, former small group leaders, adult leaders from church, a pretty cool kid named keila, and a few others have really changed my life and i respect them so much. They are the kind of people who you want to be like. The kind who are faithful and encouraging. Who love you no matter what, and are willing to sit there and listen to you whine about your life (to some extent)
I have come to really appreciate the kind of people who will take time to just ask how your day is going and really mean it. Too many people say hey how are you and dont really care how you are. It's the little things like that, that can show you the true character of a person. Its hard to admit how much you've screwed things up, harder to ask for help, and even harder to change...but for all the people who are putting up w/ me while im trying (or at least trying to try)...thanks. You truly are a blessing.


At 10:30 PM , Blogger Jude said...

Gee i hope i am one of them hehe lol but i do care how you are doing when i see you in the hall, i don't know if you want to be like me though it might be very scary hehe jk

At 5:43 AM , Blogger Brent said...

So, I really care about how you're doing. And how are you doing after getting slapped with ping-pong paddles last night because you were constantly in the way? :)

At 8:22 PM , Blogger bAiLeY said...

Well its difficult being hit with ping-pong pattles by your youth pastor, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and move on. However, i will say that there are emotional scars that will never heal.


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