Bailey's Blog

Friday, December 24, 2004

...SaNtA cLaUsE iS CoMiNg To ToWn...

It's Christmas Eve finally. But it doesnt really feel like Christmas to me. Maybe its because we just got out of school or because for the first time in like 8 years my family hasnt traveled anywhere, but regardless it really sucks. I wish i still had that excited feeling about Christmas and presents and all that Jaz. But i dont and its not much fun.
This Christmas is kind of sad to because this is the last year that Brandon is going to be here. Which sucks because this is the first year that he and I have actually gotten along. Bridget and I always stay in his room on Christmas eve and make this big event out of it which is always pretty fun. He can be really cool when he wants to be and I am basically going to die when he leaves for college or for whatever he is going to do to become a famous actor. ((which i am convinced is going to happen.))
I finished all my Christmas shopping yesterday with Nicole, Addie, and Nick. We went to the mall and ran into so many people that we knew. We had lunch with Ryan, Scott, and Scotty and saw like Keila and her family too. It's crazy how many people save all of their Christmas shopping for the last minute. It sucks though because this year all of my gifts really suck. Its partially because I'm broke though. I went to buy heather this perfume that we both absolutely love but it was like 50 bucks. I felt really stupid so i told the lady that I would have to go get my purse and then come back. She just replied with, "right"...apparently I look broke too. When i was checking my messages on my cell phone yesterday it beeped and was like "We're sorry. Your phone does not have the proper funds to complete this call. Please pay the required amount and your service will be accesible again." Its somewhat depressing.
The break has been really fun so far. Went to Julies party...played in the snow with Liz, Taylar, Krista, and Cory...hung out with Nicole...its been pretty cool.
And since I will have nothing to do tomorow after the usually gift-opening and holiday food eating, I'll tell the like 3 people that read this what I got.
I'm gonna be such a fat kid!
Merry Christmas!

**A best friend walks in when the world walks out.**


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