Bailey's Blog

Sunday, May 15, 2005

-16 ThErE's sTiLL TiMe FoR YoU-

*So the bill about the high school cheerleading funding crap didnt go through. They said that the Texas Legistlature had "bigger fish to fry." No kidding...

*Finished Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies today. It was really good. Not at all what I thought it'd be, but really good. She seems like a pretty cool chick if you ask me.

*6 1/2 days of school left. 6 1/2 long, boring, deathly days. I dont think I'm gonna make it. I've made it through 9 months, so you'd think 6 1/2 days wouldn't be so hard. But no. These are going to be the longest days of my life.

*So I've had about 14 of those "Okay, this is it. I'm going to lose weight. I'm gonna do it this time. For real. 10 pounds. I can do it" moments. And so far, I'd say 5 have actually gotten me somewhere. Not 10 pounds but 4 or 5. And thats better than nothing.
Well, I had one again today. I feel disgusting. It's not really even a matter of wanting to look better so no one will think I'm fat, although that is part of it. Mostly I just feel gross. I want to be healthier. I want to be in shape and not feel like death after running a little bitty mile. Plus, it seems like everyone around me is getting into this whole work out thing. Lindz and Jordan are going to Lifetime now, there's a million people that are joining the hac, Nathan's training for a 5k or 10k or something k - though I'm not sure what a K is. I'm guessing it's a kilometer, which is stupid. America's too good for the metric system anyway.
Okay I'm getting side tracked - my point was, there's no reason why I shouldn't jump on this excercise band wagon and lose these extra 10 pounds. I know I'd feel a whole lot better about myself, and my bathing suit would probably enjoy not getting stretched out.
I'll let you know how it goes.

*So for now, I have to focus on surviving thest 6 1/2 days of torture. How anyone could view going to school as an act of worship like we talked about it Sunday school today is a mystery to me. I should work on that. 6 1/2 days of worshiping God - sounds a lot better. (and a lot harder)


At 5:46 AM , Blogger Nathan said...

Nathan's really training to not die earlier than planned.

At 8:53 AM , Blogger Brent said...

When did you "plan" to die, Nate?

At 1:02 PM , Blogger victim of suburbia said...

hey i just started traveling mercies. maybe we can start a book club.


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