Bailey's Blog

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

...ShE'S SuPeR fReAk-Ay...

Well its Wednesday. Tomorow morning I'll be on a bus to SMU for the dreaded 4-days of the hell they call cheer camp. We'll perform the routine that we've been working on for the past two months tomorow night. The ultimate goal is to get a blue ribbon which would consequently give us a bid to nationals. Second place is the red ribon and lastly the white. White is pretty much a symbol of SUCKage. Also known as a slap to the face.
Anyway, we've been working for this competition for the last two months. But yesterday, TWO DAYS BEFORE competition, before we perform this, before we try for our nationals bid, we find out that one of our girls was in a four-wheeler accident. She now has no toe-nails, no skin on her right leg, and very little on her arm. She can't perform at all, and we have no extras. SO today we got to re-work the ENTIRE routine, add more tumbling, change the stunts, change almost all of the counts, and re-do the ending pyramid. Needless to say, it sucked. So all you people who say cheerleaders don't work hard and cheerleading isn't a sport - SCREW YOU. Because after today, even I'M convinced that cheerleading is a sport - which I never really admitted until now.
Anyway, hell...i mean camp...starts tomorow and ends on Sunday at 12ish. 5 hours later I'll be at the airport waiting for my flight to El Paso. There, I will meet up with most of the youth group and cross the border the next day. We'll be staying in Juarez, Mexico. One week - building six houses - staying in tents - in the heat.

It's gonna be a long week.

In fact, it's gonna be a long nine days.

Until then - i can't really blog - so don't miss me too much.


At 5:25 AM , Blogger Brent said...

I already miss you...but I'll be seeing you every day for a week, so now I'm over missing you.


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