Bailey's Blog

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

...iS ThAt WhAt YoU CaLL a GeTaWaY...

Well everyone and their mom left, or is leaving, for college this week. Craig, Jordan, Heather, Aly, my brother, and a bajillion more. It's kinda weird...part of me wants to be really excited for them and the other, better part wants to shoot myself in the face. I hate when things change, its weird and crappy and I dont like it. And now, especially at my house, things are going to change dramatically. Although I must admit it is probably going to be a good thing...much less chaotic.

Anyway, tonight was our first biblestudy of the new semester. Sophomore girls '05...! I think this year is gonna be really productive as far as the actual study of the bible goes. I'm also super excited because the majority of us already know eachother so there won't be as big of an awkwardness between us all as there was last year. Plus we all went up to the church afterwards and there were sooo many people there, some that I hadn't seen in an extremely long time. It was really cool to be able to catch up with people and see what they've been doing...and to be able to beat Alex Ehrich in every single game of foosball!!!

School is really sucking. I mean each class is really fun in it's own way, but as a whole it's making me want to die. This is FIRST full week of school, and its only WEDNESDAY, and I honestly feel like we've been going all year. But maybe its just this week that is dragging on, I don't know.

Cheerleading is...different. Last year was MUCH MUCH easier as far as the amount of work we actually did. Even I can admit that this is a sport now. We have done so many sprints, and jumps, and back-handsprings, and triple-toes, and pushups, and situps...its ridiculous. But I think it will eventually make our squads much better and it will definently help me get back in shape.

My friends are amazing. I dont seen nicole, addie, alyx, or jenny basically at all during the school day, not to mention the drama group that I only see when I stop by there for the 15 spare seconds I have before cheer, but my church friends especially are really becoming a big part of my day. Due to my severe hatred towards the commons and everything that it represents, I almost always meet up with cbc people between classes. It's pretty sweet but I still miss my other friends.

So thats what my life is all about these days. Homework is beginning to kill me, I've lost four pounds (even though you cant tell) from working out in cheer, I miss my friends, I love my friends, and I'm kind of freaking because Brandon's leaving. Just thought I'd catch everyone up...I'm sure you're thankful.

**I'm NoT SuRe WhAt YoU'Re gEtTiNg AwAy WiTh**


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