Bailey's Blog

Saturday, August 13, 2005

WhAt'S On My MiNd...

-Aside from my complete and utter hatred towards high school, the first two days havent been so bad. Other than Spanish I have friends in all of my classes, my lunch is awesome because I know sooo many people, and all my classes are non p/ap so it should be pretty easy. Plus our cheer sponsers said that unless we are working for competition or a major performance, we wont have after school practices meaning my schedual wont be too terrible. BUT they are re-doing our in-school practices to the point where I feel like I'm at boot camp. It'll make our team really good, and I'll be in the best shape of my life, but it's gonna suck.
But im still EXTREMELY bitter about starting school back up. I mean really. Screw LISD.

-Anyway, my dad comes home tonight from washington. I hate that he travels so much, it really sucks with out him.

-My brother leaves for college a week from today. I havent decided if I'm relieved or sad. It's probably both. What I do know is that I'm so scared for him. I just don't think he's ready emotionally. I mean I guess I don't really have the right to say that, but I still think it.

-While the Lorenc family looks so nice and sweet and normal from the outside, they are some of the weirdest people I know.

-I don't understand why people spend over 50 dollars on one pair of shoes when you can by comfortable, cute shoes at claire's for $6.50. I mean how stupid are we.

-Hillary Duff really just makes me want to shoot myself in the throat.

-And much like my super-cool friend Brent, I'm having a serious case of writers block. It's like I have SO much to say that I just want to write down and then I start writing and out comes NOTHING. It's REAL fun...lemme tell yah.

-I feel like this year is gonna be better than last year, but I'll still end up getting really stressed and freaked out about everything because thats what I do.


At 5:24 AM , Blogger Brent said...

Man. A *cheerleader* called me super-cool! How come that never happened when I was in high school? I guess I'll take it because that means that people close to my daughter's age think it...even if she doesn't.

At 6:10 AM , Blogger bAiLeY said...



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