Bailey's Blog

Saturday, February 05, 2005

...EaSy As OnE, TwO, ThReE...

I took Thursday off from life. As I'm sure many of you read my three mile long blog from Wednesday, I decided that I just really wasn't up to going to school on Thursday. Actually I was running a temperature and felt like crap but getting to miss a day after having a horrible one was pretty nice too. I woke up pretty early with the house to myself as Brandon and Bridget were at school and my parents both at work. Had Ego waffles and watched Good Morning America with plans of doing homework and my biblestudy after. However I fell asleep and didn't wake back up until 3:30 so most of my afternoon was gone. But it was still a relaxing break from everyone and everything. I'm gonna have to do that again soon.

Last night was super fun! i went to my "surprise" party that nicole and addie through me, alyx, and nick because our bday's are all pretty close together. But they told us about it before the party so it really wasn't a surprise :) but it was still way fun...after a few certain people left that is. Everyone just kinda hung out the whole night and it was really fun. Then the fantasic four slept at nicoles until this morning when nick called us at 9:30!! Well that's when everyone else got up but i slept until 11:30 ish because I really haven't felt that great this week. Then Nick decides to start beating on this "tribal drum" so I finally got out of bed.
Then Matt, Jeremy, and Jimmy came over and we all just hung out for a while. They left at like 5ish and then we met them and a bunch of other people up at the Students Vs. Faculty basketball game... the game was pretty boring but I got to see a bunch of people so it was okay.

So its been a pretty good weekend I suppose. Had a few stupid-head moments :( and really never recovered since Thursday but it was better than going to school.

Me and Liz have quit life...just to let all of you know!! :)
Liz what would i do with out you?? You are like my saving grace! And we can suck at everything together!!

**take the very breath you gave me...take the heart from my chest...**


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