Bailey's Blog

Sunday, April 24, 2005

+ gOiN OuTa My MiNd ThEsE DaYs +

Friday night was our "annual (which is dumb to say because this is only the second year) cheer party" where our whole squad stays the night at Heather's. It is supposed to be time where we "bond" and form friendships and stuff like that...but really everyone ends up "bonding" with their cell phones or food. I dont really know why but I am truly not enjoying cheerleading this year. I mean, grantit, its been like a month since tryouts but it's already dull and boring. Last year I suppose it was better because everything was new and exciting, but now that I know how everything works and it's not anything different, I really don't like it. I don't understand how people could spend their entire high school career centered around Marcus Cheerleading. Talk about a waste of four years.
I'll probably feel less strongly about my hatred for cheerleading as the year progresses and we start cheering at football games again...but for now I want to puke all over Marcus cheerleading and everything that it represents.

On a different note, last night was Prom. And even though our plans kept changing and I ended up not getting to stay the night with the youth group, it was still a lot of fun. After stressing for hours about stupid things like hair and shoes, I finished getting ready at about 7 o clock. Then we all went over to Creed's house for pictures and dinner in his trillion kazillion dollar mansion. The limo picked us up at 8 ish I think and we drove to the hotel. Amanda and I definently stood up out of the sun roof of the limo while we were driving and it was SO freaking amazing. The only other time I'd been in a limo was for my 10th birthday party but it was a cheap, white, nasty limo and didn't even come close to comparing with our awesome stretch limo with lights that changed colors and wine glasses and everything. It was really nice. And prom was amazing too. I really didnt know anyone aside from the youth group that I really didn't hang out with much - which kind of sucked - and the people that I went with. But I have to admit, there was rarely a dull moment. And it was kind of cool to get to go to prom with my brother and Chris who are graduating in less than 2 months. We left at 12 in the limo and went back to Creeds to go hot tubbing. I made it home by four, stayed up talking to my mom for an hour, and woke up at 9 for church. So I'm running on four hours of sleep...and by 'running' I of course mean fighting to hold my eyes open and not pass out in the middle of my floor from the serious state of fatigue that I'm in.
All in all it was a really awesome night. I spent it with people that I love and had a really amazing time. If I knew how to post pictures on here I would, but instead I'm probably going to add a page to my piczo site (link located over here-ish >>>) so you can check that out if you want.
For now I'm off to Heathers concert, and then going to SLEEP.


At 6:01 PM , Blogger Deleted said...

you looked gorgeous - and yes, the night was a BLAST as well for me, even though i also didnt' know anybody asides from youth group! too bad you couldn't hang out with us more - but i'm sure you still had a great time!

p.s. i love you more!

At 8:29 PM , Blogger Nathan said...

Um...Heather I consider myself your friend but unfortunately finding out about the recital 10 minutes before it starts makes it difficult to make it when you are helping your wife with tasks on a Sunday afternoon.


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