Bailey's Blog

Monday, July 04, 2005

When We've Only Got 100 Years To Live...

Well turns out I can post afterall. I didnt really think about using my grandparents computer until I got here.

Anyway, I'm not feeling any more patriotic today than most other days. I wore red, black, and silver today, not red, white, and blue. I didn't hear any patriotic songs on the radio. I never said the pledge. So I'm not much of a Fourth of July kind of girl. My grandpa said we might be able to see fireworks from the roof of the barn tonight so maybe that will help, but other than that, I'm not really celebrating. Now don't get me wrong, I understand how lucky we are to live in America. I'm just saying that I dont feel any different today than I will tomorow, or the next day. Days like September 11th...thats when I feel patriotic. But the fourth of July doesn't really hit me that much. And to be honest, I think these days it's more about the fireworks and family get togethers than patriotism anyway, so its not just me. But I still feel guilty about it.

I hope you all are enjoying your day, though. I woke up extra early to go to the 100th anniversary of the Bolton family reunion. It was just like I predicted it. But much prettier. It was out in the country on a mountain with a lake. It was beautiful. But extremely boring. Lots of old people that couldn't understand my name. I said every time, I'm Bailey, Glenda's granddaughter. And they'd say "Oh Billy! How is your grandma." or "Daily...what a beautiful name." I corrected the first few, then just smiled and let it go. I really don't care. It's not like they will remember me or my name in a few weeks. Or even tomorow. But also like I predicted, the food was wonderful. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and green beans, fresh fruit from my grandpa's land, biscuits and gravy, plus plenty of homemade brownies, cakes, and pies. You just can't beat southern cooking.

So tomorow we'll hang out here for the last day. I think we're gonna go fishing and spend the day on the farm. I know you people think I'm this stupid, girly cheerleader that hates the outdoors and can't take down a tent (cough Nathan and Bethany cough,) but I cast a mean line. Those bass better watch their backs.

Then Wednesday it's beach time baby. We'll drive down to Destin to check in by 3, and then we're beaching it up for the rest of the week. I'm so excited.

My brother is taking his laptop but I dont know if I'll be able to get online in the condo. If so I will definently update you on whats going on in Florida, but if not I'll do it when I get home on Saturday.

This trip is definently what the doctor ordered.

Happy fourth.


At 5:28 AM , Blogger Brent said...

Sure, you taunt the wimpy lake bass, but when it comes to sharks you're afraid to bop (sorry, Keila) them on the nose. What's up with that?

At 3:03 PM , Blogger Keila said...

wait... weird... didn't i hear about this comment before? I'M SO CONFUSED. like yall told me about that comment but it was before fourth of july. DID YOU DO IT TWICE?!?!?!? weird.

At 8:06 AM , Blogger Nathan said...

I never called you a stupid girly cheerleader. I said you couldn't put up a tent to save your life. BIG difference.


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