Bailey's Blog

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Okay heres what i think about my classes...

1st period - senior in

positives: SLEEP
negatives: no parking whatsoever

2nd period - economics

positives: its easy, my teachers pretty cool, and its onlhy 9 weeks
negatives: its more boring than anything in the world

3rd period - creative writing

positives: my teacher is amazing, i dont know ANYONE so i wont feel as awkward when we have to read our work, i get to write basically anything and everything for 9 whole weeks, my teacher put chocolate on the supplies list because "sometimes you just need a piece of chocolate to help you write" (that deserves a freaking amen if you ask me)
negatives: i dont like to show people what i write much less read it to a class of 15 people but i'll get over it

4th period - cheerleading

positives: pretty much everything. we're performing at meet the players tomorrow night which is pretty exciting i guess. and heather and i are having a whole freaking lot of fun being captains.
negatives: its 4th period so i cant have senior out until march

i know its a REALLY difficult and stressful class load =]

i <3 being a senior.

Monday, August 27, 2007

I think I'll go be a big bad senior today...but not till 10:25 cause i have senior in...all year. And senior out the last 9 weeks. =] aka amazing.
And then.. this time next year.. I think I'll move far far away to wherever i want and have a fabulous time with fabulous new people.
So Goodbye Forever =]

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Senior Cheerleaders

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, August 03, 2007

So I just got back from the Music Camp '07 performance and I'm very sad that its over.
The show was so freakin stinkin cute and its really fun to watch a bunch of kids that you've gone skating with, bowling with, played double dutch with, had meals with and talked about God with smile and sing songs that have such a strong message.
My sister was also really fun to watch and did a pretty darn good job if you ask me.
And I dont really know why but I think the college/high school leaders end up having just as much if not more fun than the kids themselves.
And after all my hard work on my "pope"-tato, Melissa Rowe used it as an example when telling the parents about all the activities we had done over the week. Best moment of my life.
Anyway, hopefully I'll get to volunteer next year before I leave for school but if not Splash Kingdom was def a good year to go out on.