Bailey's Blog

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mardi Gras weekend was by far one of my favorite weekends since I've been here at Auburn. I have been SO blessed with incredible friends. I don't think 5 minutes went by without someone nearly dying of laughter.
I could go on...but I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves.

Pre Parade:

Post Parade:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So i had three tests and a paper due last week...the paper and my spanish test i've yet to receive a grade for...
but somehow i made the worst grade ive EVER made on a test on one of them...and the best grade in the entire class on the other.
and i think i studied equally for them both.

I'm going to Mobile for Mardi Gras this weekend with a HUGE group of my friends and I'm so excited! That will definitely make up for my ridiculously awful test grade. Moon Pies = <3.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hi. My name is Bailey and I am the busiest person alive.

I'm doing really fun, exciting things and I love it. But I am SO busy.
Between school, biblestudy, AOII, Greek Sing, and YoungLife - my schedule is insane.

Even my weekends are booked. But like I said, they are booked with really fun, exciting things. This weekend my sorority sisters and I, plus all our close guy friends are going down to Mobile for Mardi Gras. Next weekend is AOII Red Rose Ball and I have company coming in from Dallas. The weekend after that is Dance Marathon and the one after that is Spring Break.

I'm so excited about all of them.

But I would like a day to sleep. Or read. Or go to the park and NOT be studying. Or go for a walk and not constantly be thinking of all the things I have to do.

I use my mornings for my quiet time...which I love...but getting up extra early=never getting my 8 hours.

I don't know.

I have a really awesome, incredible, wonderful life. and I love Auburn and everything about it. but I wouldn't mind if they gave us a day off to be still. I mean, I know that is what Spring Break is for...but lets be honest, who is really going to do that?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I wrote my first paper in English on the argument/struggle between contemporary and traditional music in the church.
I am now writing my second paper on the role secular music can have in the lives of Christians and how that should/should not play into our church and worship services.
I don't even go to a Christian school.
And my professor is not even a believer.

I love college.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

So this morning I've been thinking about faith...the kinda that compels you to to lay down everything you have/are/want to follow the Lord. The kind that Noah had when he built his huge boat on dry land and didn't know why. The kind Moses had when he lead his entire nation into the red sea. Basically, the kind Hebrews 11 talks about.
But specifically this morning, I've been thinking about the story of Abraham when God called him to sacrifice Isaac. Now, I've heard this story before many times. And though I don't have children of my own, and therefore probably can't fully understand what that must have felt like, I am still always moved by his act of faith.
However, until this morning I had never thought about it from Isaac's point of view. I guess I always pictured him as this clueless little kid climbing on the alter saying "okay daddy, now what?" (not that I'm trying to make light of the story - but it's just what I've always assumed). I realize though, Isaac wasn't a little kid. He was probably in his early teens and therefore much stronger than his elderly father. He knew exactly what was going on. He knew what an alter was. He could have resisted, but he didn't.
He obeyed his father and climbed on top of that alter. He let Abraham bind him to the wood. He let him raise the knife to kill him...and never fought back.
He knew he was about to die - to be killed by his own father - and he trusted God.
Talk about faith.
The kind of faith that literally compels you to lay your life before the Lord as an offering.
That's the kind of faith I want to have.

Monday, February 02, 2009

I really like when God speaks to me. I don't know why I don't shut up and listen more. I just get so caught up in talking and complaining and asking for things and resisting - my prayers are so selfish - I forget to listen. I forget the other side of the conversation.
But today God answered a prayer loud and clear. Everything I've been thinking/wrestling with this past few weeks, every question I've posed both out loud and in my head, was answered in my 1 hour break between bio and spanish.
I won't go into too much detail because this would be the longest post ever...but I think Jerry Bridges sums it up pretty well with this quote:
"To confuse the potential for resisting (which God provided) with the responsibility for resisting (which is ours)is to court disaster in our pursuit of holiness."
The End.