Bailey's Blog

Thursday, March 31, 2005

.: Grace Like Rain :.

Good mood again today. Despite the millions of things running around in my little brain, I've been in a very calm, placid mood.

.: still have to finish that article for my dad - thank you Brent McKinney
.: still have to write the rough draft for my term paper on William Faulkner's "A Rose For Emily" by Monday.
.:still only on chapter 7 of Great Expecations when the whole class is on 21
.:still trying to find a way to go on my churchs mission trip to Mexico
.:still having friends with boy problems/family problems/friend problems that I cant help
.:still working on getting my permit
.:still have to serve a Wednesday school for losing my freaking report card!
.:still not balancing my time well
.:still haven't gotten around to doing anything from last weeks "to do" list
.:but still in a good mood

So whats the one thing that you've never had the chance to tell me but want too??

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

...WaLkiN RoUnD ThE HoUsE LiKe 'WhO's ThE MaN?'...

Intense biblestudy tonight. But a good one. I just can't describe how much closer our group has gotten. I love it.

But pretty good mood today. I mean aside from the complete and total depression that I've been feeling after returning to school. - But you would too if you knew that you had 3 years and 51 days (including weekends) left of highschool. -

But yeah pretty good mood. It was one of those days where like normally the things that happened would have put me in a bad mood, but it didn't. And it was cool.

On the flip side I have a friend - actually many friends - that are going through a lot of things that I just can't relate to. And I wish I could so that I could be able to say "you know - ive been there" but I can't. And thats really hard for me.

So tomorow is school again...then looking at dresses...then at the "you have to pay us all your money because we are nazis" cheer meeting... so its gonna be a fun day.

**people all around you got to...CoMe GeT iT!**

Monday, March 28, 2005

...KiLL mE NoW...

12 hours and I will be sitting in a desk in biology in Coach Bishop's classroom in the B hall of Marcus High School...

Ugh...I think I'd rather DIE!

But only 8 weeks until summer...THANK GOODNESS!

Ugh!!! I dont want to go!!!!!!!!!!! :(

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Saturday, March 26, 2005

...SaN AnToNiO...

A Wrap Up of My Amazing Vacation...

*picked up Liz and Callie after getting donuts, kolaches, starbucks, and other necessities...
*packed up the car and headed out at about 12ish for our 6 hour drive to San Antonio...
*Liz and I decided to watch Moulin Rouge on our portable dvd player, however it turned out I only brought the case and not the actual movie so we watched Wimbeldon instead...
*Slept for a good three hours in the most uncomfortable position ever...
*Arrived and unpacked into our hotel - played the elevator game with Liz and left for IHOP...
*Ate pancakes and grits, had the most annoying waiter every, saw a creepy old Clown that we named ihopy and nearly cried...
*Made fun of an IHOP advertisement for a good 30 minutes w/ my dad...
*Went back to the hotel to swim in the heated pool, watch Sleepless in Seatle (best movie ever!), and get a good 8 hours of sleep...
*Woke up, showered, ate breakfast, and packed up again...
*Headed off to SEA WORLD!!!
*Saw Shamu, played with Dolphins, watched a 4-D movie, saw sharks and penguins, bought lots of food, met Mexican boys, bought freaking amazing t-shirts, took pictures with Penny the penguin, and had an awesome time!
*Started off on the 6 hour drive home, watched Uptown Girls twice, listened to the same song at least twenty times, and pigged out on every kind of food ever...
*Enjoyed the rain while driving through downtown dallas which I have decided is gorgeous - at least from the outside...
*Dropped everyone off at home, unpacked, and decided to write this blog before I forgot everything...
Good end to a Great spring break!!

I should've know better
I shouldn't have wasted those days
And afternoons and mornings
I threw them all away
Now this is my time
I'm going to make this moment mine.(I shouldn't have wasted those days)
I'll take what you give me.
Please know that I'm learning
I've looked in the mirror
My world's getting clearer
So wait for me this time

Thursday, March 24, 2005

...Go FiX YoUrSeLf...

The boys get home tonight... :)

I'm leaving for San Antonio in the morning!

Liz Spring is beautiful and everyone knows it!

God has been working pretty hard in my life recently.
It's pretty awesome.

**I want to leave a will they remember me...did I choose to love..did I point to You enough to make a mark on things...I want to leave an offering...Child of Mercy and Grace who blessed Your leave that kind of legacy** -Nichole Nordeman

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

...YoU'rE My pRiNcE oF PeAcE...

You'd think that after spending every summer on a farm in Alabama for the better part of my life, I'd be a pro at something as simple as camping. I've discovered however, that I am not. Regardless, I thouroughly enjoyed last night. Aside from the -20 degree weather and people making fun of my name the whole time because of Nathan and his stupid "battle cry," it was a great night of fellowship, worship, and freezing our butts off.
I found out that I can't take down a tent to save my life, that just a t-shirt and sweatshirt doesnt cut it when its negative a million degrees outside, that even though I dont know them very well, Becca Davis and Kristy Brown are two of the funniest people ever, that waking up at 5:15 really isn't that bad when a big fire, hot coffee, and a sunrise is involved, that you can tell the true feelings of a guy by the way he says "hello," (right) that impromptu worship can be just as enjoyable as the well-planned, thought-out worship nights with candles and a huge audience, that cheerleading is something that i do - not that i am :), and that some people can make something as boring as camping really fun.

So to Nathan and Brent-we should do that more often.

To everyone that was there last night - its baiLEY not bairee or baiwei, its a family name! Gimme a break :)

And to Bethany - i DONT talk in my sleep!! :)

**Cause theres one thing stronger than the whiskey...**

Monday, March 21, 2005

...TuRn iT uP...TuRn iT UpSiDe DoWn...

I'm in a very bored state of mind today and I have been for a while now. Not just the whole "I'm really bored because I have nothing to do" state of's more like a "I'm really bored with life in general because my weeks never change and my routine of life is getting old," state of mind. I mean I realize that one of the main reasons for Spring Break is to give us a break from school so we wont be feeling the way I'm feeling now, but so far not much has changed. I just feel like even though I have this week to do things different from my normal, every-day life, when school starts back up again I'm going to go right back to where I was before. I just hate that every single week looks exactly the monday-friday, church tuesday and wednesday, go out with friends on friday and saturday night and church on sunday. There's never anything different or new. It's all very bland and stale. I'm just craving something new or exciting or even somewhat thought-provoking. Something colorful and stimulating. Something hydrating and flavored. I want change. I want to rid myself of this stagnant mindset. I hate it. Any Thoughts?

Saturday, March 19, 2005

...ThErE WaS NeVeR AnY MyStErY LiKe WhO ShOt JoHn F. KeNnEdY...

So as a lot of you probably know I did try-out for JV cheerleading and I did end up making the squad even though my try-out was basically HORRIBLE because my voice cracked and I sounded like a man. I mean of course on that night I was freaking out because all of the FaB FoUr... in fact everyone who was on the squad last year (+ chloe and kylie) made it again and it was just really exciting. But then today it kind of hit me just all the things that i didn't like about cheerleading last year, and all the time and work that i have to do and so I'm not quite as excited as thursday night. BUT ive decided that this year I'm going to at least try to make the best of it and make this kind of a "trial year" i guess and really and truly decide if I want to do it my Junior and Senior years. But camp is the first week of June so I don't know what that means about Mexico... :(

however....its SPRING FREAKIN BREAK!!!! and good gosh am i excited!

Minus the fact that Chris is in Alamabama with my brother on MY farm! So I dont get to see him and I'm super jealous that im not at the farm... :(

But other then that, its going to be amazing...especially next friday when me and the best chick in the whole wide world aka eLiZaBeTh LeE SpRiNg! are going to SEAWORLD!!! And that is going to be freaking awesome!

Yesterday after school Brandon, Jerod, Brian and I went to pick up liz and then they dropped me and her off at target for like 15 minutes. We saw John Nurge there, got frappacinos, returned some extremely ill-fitting shorts, and bought a disney duck tales CD that was $5.72 instead of the $1 that we thought lol. Then they picked us back up and took us to addies where we stayed for maybe 10 minutes before I had to come home to clean my room. Then nicole and addie came over to help and we ordered pizza and played the game of Life. Then Chris, Brandon, Jerod, and Brian left for their hunting trip. I'm so flippin jealous because they get to go out on MY farm for a week w/ their best friends and no parents or anything. But whatever. So then Liz went to hang out w/ Isaac and Julie...akward turtle! And Nicole and Addie spent the night. Which was way fun.

So now I have the rest of this week to do whatever I want because its SPRING BREAK baby and I have NO school, and NO homework, and NO evil teachers, and NO nothing! And I couldn't be happier about it. :)

Happy Spring Break Everyone!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

...So We DiD WhAt We DiD AnD We tRiEd tO FoRgEt...

try-outs are in...19 hours and 50 minutes

remind me again why im nervous??

**...and we swore up and down there would be no regrets in the morning sun**

Saturday, March 12, 2005

...i'M a SiNnEr i'M a sAiNt...i Do NoT fEeL aShAmEd...

Yay for Heathers 18th Birthday, and going to Macaroni Grill, and having the waitress spill water all in my manicotti, and singing Happy Birthday backwards, and bendy pencils, and not being seen in pictures because I'm too short, and camp fires, and random boys from Keller, and taking random pictures w/ said boys, and not being able to set up tents, and drunk people falling in holes, and burning metal chairs, and jories feet waking me up, and long lines at IHOP, and expensive Gas, and GIANT BISCUITS!!!!!, and putting old songs on repeat, and winning shot gun and rock paper scissors. :)

Happy Birthday Heather, and Heather's mom, and Heather's cat, and Chris from Keller. :)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

...wHiNe TiMe...

List Of Reasons Why Bailey Is Stressed:

-midterms... Yesterday I took the essay portion of my English exam and kicked its butt. Then I took the oral and essay portion of my Spanish exam...the Oral part was like horrific but I got a 19 out of 20 on the essay part. Then today I took Biology and the rest of english... that didnt go that great. Tomorow is the rest of spanish and thats gonna kill me.

-cheerleading tryouts... okay look, i understand that i deserve to be stressed for this because I shouldn't be trying out because I really dont like cheerleading that much. However, with clinic monday and tuesday, mock-tryouts on wednesday, and try outs on thursday I'm mega stressed. Mostly about tumbling because I've had the same skills for like a year now and Im not improoving. I still have the option of backing out. I'm not going to but it's kind of annoying that I could. Just because I know that I should....or something like that.

-Great Expectations... i have to read the first lets see 29 chapters by monday and I am on chapter 5. This is a big problem...not to mention the fact that I have no desire what-so-ever to read it because I'm not interested in the story line.

-Espanol... uh other than the fact that I hate it...I'm barely making an A in that class...i have a 90.7 i think. But considering it is a non pre-AP class, I need to keep the A if I want to help my GPA. And with the Oral part of the exam that counts for 20 percent of my overall dead.

-Time... i have SOO much stuff going on these days that im having like a ton of trouble finding time for everything. Between school, cheerleading, church, friends, familym homework and all the little things like trips to starbucks or the mall - i am like always going going going and never get any sleep...let alone quiet time. So thats nearly no time for a biblestudy or just like "dont have to think" time.

-CD player - my headphones broke...i know thats stupid...but its a MAJOR problem for bailey because her CD player is her LIFE.

What happened to my optimism?

**Its late in the evening...she wondering what clothes to wear...**

...ChEeR BaNqUeT - PaRt TwO...

okay so part one of this blog was like way long so i'll try to make this one super short. I dont know how to put freaking pictures on this thing because I'm just not technologically smart at all...however I made a Cheer Banquet page on my Picture site that is in the colomn to your right - titled "My Pictures" tricky...i know
The banquet page is the last one on the list :)
I haven't put all the pictures on there yet but the ones that are there are pretty good.

**California Dreamer....on a Winters Day**

Monday, March 07, 2005

...ChEeR BaNqUeT -PaRt OnE-...

Man oh man where do I start...

Thursday: you know those kinds of days where everything is just going really good and like its just an all around good day for no specific reason? yeah well that definently was not how thursday was. I was having just a crappy day...the kind where you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and it starts your whole day off bad. Coach Bishop (my evil biology teacher...more commonly known as SaTaN...) yelled at me and addie, yet again for ... oh yeah... NOTHING. Then I took a test in english that didn't go so well because i didnt study for it. I made a worse grade on a Spanish test that we got back in third period and I forgot my lunch money. So I'm in the commons between third and fourth period...let me just start by saying that i hate the commons with everything in my body and that this is the only time of the day that i waste my time being smotherd and pushed around in that suffocating im in the commons and i just randomly started crying and my friend Andres came and like gave me a hug or w/e and I like totally broke down and it was really embarassing. So that day sucked but then my best friend eLiZaBeTh LeE SpRiNg reminded me that there was only 24 hours until banquet and so it got a little better.

(um im thinking that this blog is gonna be really long...sorry)

Friday: I woke up super early to go take a spanish test at 7:45 in the A. M. !! and it went major bad but i was totally foccused on banquet so i didnt really care. Then I went to first and second period counting down the minutes until 12:00 so I could leave with the FaB 12 finally came and we left to go to Envy Nails. There Liz and I got regular pedicures while little miss richos, Lindsey and Taylar got spa pedicures in their own little private room. Then those two got manicures which Liz and I couldnt afford so we walked on down to Quiznos for some lunch and 100% PURE apple juice, right tay? :)
Then we all went to cloud nine so that Lindsey and Taylar could get their hair done...something that Liz and I - once again - could not afford. We ran into Heather, Lindsey Hughes, Julie, and Coach Duke there too... it was kinda funny.
Then with only two hours untill we had to leave we headed back to the midget's CASTLE to finish getting ready. Lindsey did Liz's hair while I did my own which turned out not so great but whatever...then we got dressed and did make-up and jewelry...and after a minor breakdown by the one and only lindsey over her stupid mom and her stupid stepdad and her stupid family and her stupid friend and stupid scott...and after making Brandon and Chris wait in the car outside for about 15 minutes we finally got to leave.
So Liz got some black eyes in the car when Lindz was trying to finish her eye makeup while Chris was driving 80 on the highway to make it on time. We rocked out to some Aaron Carter and freaking amazing 80's music while we drove around DFW airport completely lost.
But we FINALLY made it to the hotel thanks to some awesome driving skills by Christopher, and everyone looked SO gorgeous. We took TONS of pictures until the ceremony finally started. Katie led us into dinner with a lovely prayer and we tried to eat the "food" that the gave us.
Then was awards and speeches. Freshmen Cooley gave a short but sweet little speech about this year together followed by Duke and then Varsity Cooley who barely made it through her speech without breaking down. It was really sweet - Liz cried. So we got our banquet letters from everyone on our squad and a little silver charm necklace of a megaphone. I got the "Belle Award" the tag says... "This award is for the yong lady who is able to look past the outside and see the beauty in everyone." Ironic.
Then we watched the banquet video. It was SOO cute. It was just a slide show of pictures from this year that was set to music. Freshmen songs were "I just wanna dance with somebody...I wanna feel the heat with somebody..." and "Ain't no mountain high enough..." aside from the awesomely embarassing picture of me all by myself - with pig tails and those HUGE like cartoon sunglassed that go like a foot past my head - taken right before camp and im making the stupidest face in the stupidest pose- yeah so aside from that it was really cute and i totally LOVED it.
After that was the dance which was really fun even though my brother and my boyfriend paid by dad 10 bucks to dance crazy in the middle of the daddy-daughter dance which was SO embarassing but kinda funny i have to admit. And then brandon decided HE should embarass me as well so that was super fun...ish. But barring those two things - it was really fun.
On the way home we rocked out to some hardcore spice girls and Chris got in a race with some girl which we won. So then we dropped off Lindz, Tay, and Liz at Brookes house while I fell asleep in the backseat. Then we took brandon home and me a Chris hung out for a while until I made my way back to Brookes house. Just in time for Drew, Tony, and Brian to leave. Tear.
Me and Lindz went to sleep really quickly after that in her guest bedroom only to be woken up SUPER early to go to IHOP. Which rocked my world.

So in conclusion...banquet was UNBELIEVABLE!!! the most fun I've had in so long where I just got to be totally crazy with people that I absolutely love, take some awesome pictures, and help me remember why I liked cheerleading in the first place. Try-outs are next thursday. I think I'll be fine whether or not I make it because either way something good comes out of it. Check that out, Nathan - im being optimistic!

"ChEeR BaNqUeT - PaRt TwO" will be coming when I can figure out how to post pictures on this.

**and as our lives change...come whatever...we will still be... fRiEnDs FoReVeR...**

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

...YoU'rE ReAdY tO FiRe...

Today was a fairly good day because...

It's Brandons Birthday so I had to wake up super early to do the whole birthday breakfast/present thing. But it was totally worth it because we had french toast for breakfast and my parents put us both on the family talk plan so I dont have to pay for my own cell anymore! I hate getting new phones though because I have to change numbers and everything so its kinda frustrating but I'm still really excited!

In biology I didnt get yelled at at all...not even once! So thats exciting...

Then in spanish I didnt exactly finish my homework but because me teacher loves me she came by to check it and I handed her last weeks homework which just happened to be in the same format as last nights homework and she gave me a 100. Then we got a test back that almost the entire class failed and I got a 97... so basically I am amazing.

So then after school I met Nathan for coffee which was awesome as always even though I was like three hours late. Then Bekah came and we talked for a while and that was really fun. Then we went to biblestudy @ keilas house. We finished Esther and are about to start a study on the different religions of the world. That should be interesting because I have so many friends that are all different religions.

And tonight I had birthday cake with Brandon and watched Wife Swap. :)

So all in all it was a pretty good day...but I just remembered the hours of homework that I forgot and now I have to go find an excuse not to do it.

**dont wake me im planning on sleeping**