Bailey's Blog

Sunday, September 25, 2005

and i miss you - i miss you so far

^that would be one of the lyrics to one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands that I just so happened to see in concert on friday.
And may I just say...It was AMAZING.
Between getting ready with my amazing friends, to bitting bracelets off of random peoples wrists, to having drunk women offer us vodka, to seeing people that i knew like EVERYWHERE, to getting caught trying to sneak into the pit, to actually sneaking into the pit 20 minutes later, to crowd surfing, and moshing, and getting squished by tall, sweaty, fat men, to taco bell, to racing a new GT in our minivan, to falling asleep on Philip's couch...the whole night was UNBELIEVABLE.
like I knew it would rock.
but omg i never imagined that it would rock this much.
I'm definently on a concert high right now, and I'm guessing that people are gonna get really sick of all my ramblings about it really soon.
But I dont care.

On a different note, its September 25th today. Its fall. And my car's thermometer read 104 at one point this afternoon. Does anyone see something wrong here? Because I DO.
But I've decided that I like the word Autumn better than Fall. Fall has more than one meaning and that bothers me, but Autumn just means Autumn. Except theres a girl in my first period named Autumn and that kind of sucks.
Either way...its too freaking hot outside.

Speaking of going to marry the lead singer of My Chemical Romance :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

...WhAtS tHe WoRsT ThiNg i CoULd SaY?!?...

Things that im not so stoked about...
*Chemistry test tomorow that determines whether or not i have an A
*Spanish test tomorow thats just gonna suck
*My brothers having issues and I cant do anything about it
*Someone that I love and respect very much is having to deal with his mom having cancer and I cant do anything about that either
*Another hurricane is rolling in and its expected to be really bad
*I think I'm getting sick and that blows
*My nose starting randomly bleeding at church tonight
*It's supposed to be fall and its still A MILLION degrees outside every freaking day.

Things that I am SOOOOO stoked about...
*I'm number 100 in my sophomore class which isnt really that great but what a sweet number!
*I got moved up at level in tumbling which I've been waiting for for sooo long!
*My friends are being really cool
*God is amazing
*Hurricane Rita=lots of rain in dallas=a really sweet weekend!!!
*My birthday is in 3 months and 26 days...that means im driving...that means my life is gonna rock
*Liz drives in 17 days!
*Liz is beautiful
*Nathan and Kim's baby is going to be my best friend

oh hey did I mention that I'm going to the my chemical romance concert this friday?!?
we're SO going croud surfing!

Monday, September 12, 2005 very, very..extraordinary

God is amazing.
It's so wonderful to be able to know that even when people let you down or hurt your feelings, God is the constant that will never hurt you. He will never betray you, or lie to you, or break a promise, or...oh I don’t know...cheat on you.
I'm really trying not to fall into the whole "woe-is-me" mindset, I know that’s annoying, and I've been there...its really not that great.
So I just keep reminding myself...God is amazing.
And it’s true.
It takes a breakup to really point out all of the thousands of commercials, TV shows, movies, and especially songs that there are about love.
What does that say about us? I mean if we are being constantly surrounded by "love," or at least what today's cultures' take of it is, what does that mean?
I personally think that people are so starved for the love that only God can give us, that we try to trick ourselves into thinking that this other type of "love" is what we need.
I heard this song the other day when I was in a country music mood and I absolutely adore it.
It was about marriage and what it entails, and the main line of the chorus was "they'll be together forever 'till they find somebody new."
It's so true.
If everyone would just notice and embrace God's love, we wouldn’t feel the need to be loved by other people, especially of the opposite sex, especially when we are too young, and especially when we know that they can hurt us.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is, before we go put ourselves in the most vulnerable situation possible, we should really sit down and decide if we are ready for it.
That’s the only thing I really regret about dating Chris, not being ready for the commitment...or the disappointment. Everything else I could never regret.
But one day I’ll be in love with someone who loves me too, and who loves Jesus. And that’ll be sooo much better. I can’t wait.
God is amazing.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

NoT ToNiGhT X NoT hErE X NoT NoW

so i wrote a REAL good blog yesterday that I really liked and it randomly deleted itself.

im SERIOUSLY considering getting rid of this bad boy. I dont even like it anymore.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

...TuRn ThE MuSiC DoWn...AnD We WhiSpEr...

OMG HAPPY ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY TO MY BLOG!!!! yesterday marked the year anniversary of my first blog...*sniffle* im just so proud!

lol Anyway, Wow life is insane!!!!!
I'm so busy it's like ridiculous. Thursday is the only day of the week that I can go to school, come home, and do nothing else for the rest of the day. And as much as I love down time, I was/am soo bored. Like we're talking so bored that I cleaned and did homework...i know...weird.
Anyway, last night at about 12, I couldnt sleep, so I got out my notebook and tried to start the outline for the book/not-really-a-book that I've been wanting to write. It's really for no purpose other than doing it. I'll never show anyone or anything but I still want to write it just to say that I did. So I turned on the music legacy that is Backstreet Boys, got a water bottle, and tried to start.
And then, not 10 minutes into it, I can't write anymore. Like its just so overwhelming that I got freaked out and couldnt do anything. UGHHHHH it was soo frustrating.
So basically I hate the world.
And I really wish there were like out of school classes for teens on creative writing.
So I'm thinking I will start one when I'm in college or after I graduate. Everyone hold me to that.

Oh and xanga gets two more gold stars because they've changed the fonts so that they are prettier, AND I was able to make my own layout/background which I must say I am in love with. Blogspot really has some work to do.