and i miss you - i miss you so far
^that would be one of the lyrics to one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands that I just so happened to see in concert on friday.
And may I just say...It was AMAZING.
Between getting ready with my amazing friends, to bitting bracelets off of random peoples wrists, to having drunk women offer us vodka, to seeing people that i knew like EVERYWHERE, to getting caught trying to sneak into the pit, to actually sneaking into the pit 20 minutes later, to crowd surfing, and moshing, and getting squished by tall, sweaty, fat men, to taco bell, to racing a new GT in our minivan, to falling asleep on Philip's couch...the whole night was UNBELIEVABLE.
like I knew it would rock.
but omg i never imagined that it would rock this much.
I'm definently on a concert high right now, and I'm guessing that people are gonna get really sick of all my ramblings about it really soon.
But I dont care.
On a different note, its September 25th today. Its fall. And my car's thermometer read 104 at one point this afternoon. Does anyone see something wrong here? Because I DO.
But I've decided that I like the word Autumn better than Fall. Fall has more than one meaning and that bothers me, but Autumn just means Autumn. Except theres a girl in my first period named Autumn and that kind of sucks.
Either way...its too freaking hot outside.
Speaking of going to marry the lead singer of My Chemical Romance :)