Hi. My name is Bailey and I am the busiest person alive.
I'm doing really fun, exciting things and I love it. But I am SO busy.
Between school, biblestudy, AOII, Greek Sing, and YoungLife - my schedule is insane.
Even my weekends are booked. But like I said, they are booked with really fun, exciting things. This weekend my sorority sisters and I, plus all our close guy friends are going down to Mobile for Mardi Gras. Next weekend is AOII Red Rose Ball and I have company coming in from Dallas. The weekend after that is Dance Marathon and the one after that is Spring Break.
I'm so excited about all of them.
But I would like a day to sleep. Or read. Or go to the park and NOT be studying. Or go for a walk and not constantly be thinking of all the things I have to do.
I use my mornings for my quiet time...which I love...but getting up extra early=never getting my 8 hours.
I don't know.
I have a really awesome, incredible, wonderful life. and I love Auburn and everything about it. but I wouldn't mind if they gave us a day off to be still. I mean, I know that is what Spring Break is for...but lets be honest, who is really going to do that?