Bailey's Blog

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

::HoLLyWooD HiLLs AnD SuBuRbAn tHriLLs...

If you read my blog last year around cheerleading try-out time, I'm sure you'll be glad to know I've already decided to try out this year. No more pro's and con's or the three month discussions that never end. I'm trying out and that's that.
The bad news however, is that try-outs just happen to fall on the same night that we'll be leaving for ski trip. If I do make Varsity, there will be much celebration throughout the duration of the bus ride. In the case that I don't make it, lets just say its gonna be ugly.
Last year the debate to try-out or not was really just a debate of whether or not it was imporant to me. It wasn't. But for some reason, this year it is and I'm trying out. Talk about scary.
Anyway, I'm gonna go work on my spirit fingers...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

..So PaRdOn mE wHiLe i BuRsT..

Tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy, which is one of my very favorite tv shows of late, focused mainly on "crossing the line."
So I started thinking about it and honestly, a good portion of our lives are spent finding, and chosing to cross or not cross some sort of line.
The Alamo is famous for Texas men chosing to cross a line.
We usually end up dancing around words or avoiding confrontation to make sure we dont "step over the line."
But who makes the lines?
What is it about boundaries that we are so attracted to?
Outlines, rules, limits, restrictions. We hate them yet we need them.
We go way over the legal speed limit, but without them people would completely freak out.
There was a study once proving that during recess, fenced-in elementary school students played as far out as they could, but when the fence was torn down those same kids stayed much closer to the school.
Subconciously we all need lines.
But we hate having to decide when or when not to cross them.

I dont know...I just think its weird.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


It's 7:45 on a saturday morning and I'm awake. I have to work an elementary school cheer clinic at Marcus in a little bit and I am soooo not looking forward to it.
But the good news since I can drive now I can stop by Starbucks on the way. :)
I love being 16.

I MISS LIZ SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006


YAYYY 16th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have to wait until Wednesday to get my license though :(

but i dont care because IM 16 YEARS OLDDDDD!!!!!! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006


So this weekend I'm just gonna do a big load of nothing at good old PineCove because in Tyler, Texas...we dont believe in agendas.

Then im gonna come on home and my best friend lindz will turn 16.

And then the next day?? Oh im just gonna turn 16 myself...get a little bitty thing I like to call a drivers license, and go crazy.


special shout out to addie scott for being HOT HOT HOT!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

...9 DaYs!!...

Lets just talk about how January is a wonderful month...
Right, so last week was Keila's birthday, which was followed by this weekend's wonderful surprise (which i will talk about next.) Then next weekend is PineCove No agenda!!! which is closely followed by my birthday!!! Then the following weekend is me and Lindsey's combined party, followed by my mom's birthday. Basically, January is amazing.

So about the surprise...

Well my parents told Keila and I that as a birthday gift they were going to pay for us to go out to eat on Friday. I had made plans with Brent to get coffee right after school which I didnt think would be a problem because I figured we wouldnt eat until 6:30, 7 anyway. Little did I know the plan was to eat at 5:30 and then be back at Keila's by 7. So I kind of ruined that because we didnt actually get to Chille's until 6.
Thinking nothing of it, we took our time to order an appetizer and then our meals. At around 7ish Keila's mom came inside to give us our last present. She gave us each a 20 dollar gift card to Starbucks and told us to pay for the meal and then go get dessert. Well our waiter was taking a long time but it didnt really matter to us, until Katie called. She told us that Amanda's parents gave her a new Xterra and they wanted us to come out and see it. We said we would after we paid and went to the bathroom, but she insisted on us coming right then. We were pretty annoyed by that point but tried to hurry so she would stop bothering us.
Well we walk out of Chille's and see a white, stretch limo in front of the building and our parents with cameras standing next to it. So of course we freaked out and started screaming. Then we opened the door to find some of our absolute closest friends inside and we freaked out even more. We got 2 hours in limo to do whatever we wanted (we ended up going to the Gaylord Texan for pictures and then back to Keilas.) We all spent the night there and had an amazing night.

Basically our parents and our friends rock times ten and it was definently the best surprise ever.

To wrap it all up, January is amazing and birthday's rock.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

...BuT We'Re sTiLL sO YoUnG & DeSpErAtE 4 AttEnTiOn::

1::Second semester started today.
-And I'm bitter.
2::I have Spanish 3. English 2 P/ap, Algebra 2 P/ap, and Cheerleading. In that order. I already have an algebra packet due tomorow and a timed writing over the Iliad...which I didn't really read and definently dont understand.
-I'm pretty bitter.
3::I'm out of cheerleading for a while. 6-9 weeks to be exact. Which means I am probably going to be SCREWED for try-outs in March.
-And I'm bitter.
4::Liz moved to Utah. And I'm really, super sad because she's my favorite person in the whole, wide world and I didnt even get to say goodbye.
-I'm really bitter.


1::Second semester means spring break, cheer banquet, my birthday, and eventually SUMMER!!!
-I'm super happy.
2::I have first period and lunch with Keila, second period w/ Marissa and Nikki, and of course 4th period with my cheer friends.
-I'm super happy.
3::No cheerleading=free time=time with friends=fun.
-I'm SUPER happy.
4::Liz moved to Utah. She needed to do it to figure some things out. It was her decision. I'm glad she did something for herself.
-I'm super happy.
