Bailey's Blog

Sunday, October 23, 2005

...DiRtY LiTtLe SeCrEts...

Brent challanged me to do this "5 things" thing so here you go...

5 Things I PlanTo Do Before I Die:
((im going to leave out the normal "adultish" things like getting married, having kids, etc.))
*Get a college degree in one or more of the following: theology, journalism, high school education, and/or english
*see my brother on a new york stage or in a major film
*travel as much as possible. id love to hit every continent at least once...excluding antarctica.
*publish a book. or two. or three.
*live in New York for at least 6 months.

5 Things I Can Do:
*shower, shampoo and condition my hair seperately, and rinse off with body wash in under 4 minutes
*a back handspring on wood floor
*cry on spot
*recite most of the lines from The Notebook
*the splits

5 Things I Can't Do:
*keep a straight face
*scream on the spot (seriously)
*breath in hard through my nose w/ out it closing up
*resist chocolate chip cookies

5 Things That Attract Me To Members Of The Opposite Sex:
*Sense of humor
*Ambitions and the pursuit of said ambitions
*Being laid-back
*Having the ability to be really weird sometimes

5 Things I Say Most Often:
*not gonna lie about that
*pretty much your life sucks
*true story
*gay times ten
*jerk '05

5 Celebrity Crushes:
*Ryan Gosling
*Zach Braff
*Gerard Way (lead singer of my chemical was like 5 feet away from was AMAZING)
*Bejamin McKenzie
*Noah Wyle

5 People I Want To Do This:

Monday, October 17, 2005

X DoNt SaY iT - X - X - DoNt SaY iT X

Pinecove was really amazing.
There were a lot of dishes to do, a lot of food to serve, a lot of tables to wash, a lot of napkins to be counted, and much more...but it was definently worth it. It's easy to get sick of doing those things, even if it is just one weekend. It's easy to get sick of serving in general. But thats why trips like these are important; to teach us to serve with joy no matter what.
"But as for you do not grow weary of doing good." - 2 Thessalonians 3:3
That verse was taped up on one of the kitchen walls.
Definently a good place for it...its one of those things where just when you start feeling sorry for yourself and focusing on how tired you are or whatever, you see it and you're just like dang it!
But I suppose thats the point.
Anyway, the weekend was wonderful.

God is definently teaching me something.
I'm just not exactly sure what.

And God is definently amazing.
That never ceases to be proven in my life.

And God is definently merciful.
Otherwise we'd all be dead, thats for sure.

And God is definently loving.
No matter how much we turn our backs to him.

And God is definently real.
Its undeniable...I'm not sure how people survive without knowing it.

And God is definently wonderful.
Pretty much in every way ever.

"Its in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for." - Ephesians 1:11 (The Message)

Monday, October 10, 2005

.iTs NoT a HaBiT, iTs CoOl, i FeEl aLiVe.

I’ve been kind of wishing I knew what was distancing me from God lately. It could be just that subconsciously I don’t want to be close to Him because I know how it would change my life, or the amount of homework and activities I have going on, or the fact that I don’t feel like I desperately need Him right now. It really sucks whatever it is. I hate feeling distanced from God. And I know that I do desperately need him, I just wish it didn’t take the feeling of despair so show me it. I mean I know it in my head but I don’t feel it in my heart. But I want to feel it. I want to feel like I can’t function without Him. I want to be addicted. But how? I guess, like it is with anything, you have to continuously take doses of it to get hooked. So maybe I need to spend more time in the Word. Well, okay not maybe, I DO need to spend more time in the Word. But how do I get the desire to do so? Does that come with the addiction? Or is it just something I should ask God for? Or do I just need to stop being stupid and do something about it? Either way I’m in need of some serious quiet time. Maybe PineCove will help. I just really want this to be a serious addiction. Not one I can get over. One that is going to make me absolutely crazy. One that changes my lifestyle, my actions, my thoughts, and my decisions. I’m talking full-out, hardcore addiction. Not some wimpy addiction wanna-be. Like heroine: I want to be completely thrown off without it in my system 24/7. So how do we do it? How do we just jump in? Not toe-dipping, waist-deep wading, kinda, sorta jumping in…I mean full fledged, eyes-closed, adrenaline-rush jumping in... Into the deep, dark depths of addiction. How do we do that?
I think this is what has been frustrating me lately.
But its a good frustration so I'm okay with it.
And I cant wait until this weekend. :)

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Football '05!!

Well we lost Battle of the Mound. I'm pretty bitter about it, I won't lie. But its okay because next weekend we are going to KILL Lewisville. I'm talking...murder and bury them. And I cant wait to rub it in Alex Ehrichs face '05. :)
Except I'm not going to be there because I'll be heading down to my favorite place in the whole wide world...A.K.A. pinecove. Im really excited.

But for today I'm headed up to the school to spend my ENTIRE saturday decorating for Battle of The Axe. Cheerleaders get the commons and it's going to look so sweet this year. Last year we had SO much fun...for the first like 2 hours. Then it really sucked. But this year we're bringing a stereo and stuff so I'm excited.

This is forcing us to miss the Texas/OU game about crap.

But whatever. I love football.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

BuT yOu CaNt SaVe mE ThiS TiMe

Well I dont have anything specific to post about but i figured it was time to post so heres the random things going on in my life...

*I went to see crucible last night, and other than one character it was really good. So props to keila and shannon for rocking my theatre world.
*My brothers show goes up next weekend and im really excited to see it. He may be mentally insane but he's an amazing actor.
*My parents are driving me crazy lately...I love them and I know how unbelievably lucky I am that they love me and love eachother and all that jazz, but ocassionaly, like now, they start driving me crazy and I hate it.
*I havent hung out with Liz or Keila in a long time just one-on-one and thats making me very sad.
*Tonight is my friend Marissa's sweet 16 and I'm SO excited about it!
*I'm EXTREMELY relieved to have all of my tests done, my holland application in, my chemistry work all made up, and my spanish grade fixed. (My teacher gave me zeros on a bunch of stuff that I had turned in and it kinda freaked me out on progress report day)
*Cera with a C texted me this morning because she's in Houston on a band trip and wanted to remind me of how much fun we had in Houston two summers ago. I miss her and Houston SOOO much!
*Auburn football=amazing in every way.
*My sister joined girl scouts this week, and while looking through her "girl scout handbook" yesterday I remembered how much fun it was when I was in girl scouts in Georgia. I really miss living there because that was back when little kids actually played outside and rode bikes and tagged along with their older brothers and ate popsicles and got dirty and walked around the neighborhood without their parents worrying about it and played on jungle gyms and "explored" and did little kid stuff like that. When I have kids I'm going to force them to play outside because this video game crap is really stupid. No wonder so many kids are overweight now.
*I'm really ready for Christmas. Last year I never really got into the Christmas "mood" but this year I'm definently ready. Bring it on Santa.

Thats about it.