...BuT He'S OnLy HaPpY hYsTeRiCaL...
Spent the last 4 days with Nicole, Alyx, and Addie. We slept @ my house last night which always sucks because my house is so small that we have to be quiet. But it was still fun, we stayed up till 3 playing cards, talking, and rocking out to Spice Girls, Vanilla Ice, Goo Goo Dolls, and Kelly Clarkson. Gah i love these girls.
Its New Years Eve which is one of my favorite nights of the year. But im really bitter because we took like forever to figure out what we wanted to do and after we finally decided to go to this one party, it gets cancelled. So we're probably just gonna stop by my church's bon fire tonight for a little bit and then go somewhere after that...It's always fun when I'm with those kids so I'm not too worried about it...To be honest I'm really glad this year is over, not that I think 2005 is going to be amazing either, but this year pretty much sucked so the fact that its over is fine by me.
Alyx, Addie, Nicole, and I are going to CoWbOyS on sunday and I'm so excited. And I'm actually going to have something to wear because we went to GVM on tuesday and there was a whole bunch of stuff on sale. Its gonna be so much fun and we totally deserve a night out!!
And I've decided that Im not making a New Years Resolution this year because every one I've made in the past has never gone through so I dont really see the point in setting myself up to fail. I can do that plenty on my own.
**I waited for your call but it never came...and caring for someone never felt so lame.**
**Here's the part where I walk away...The part where I say goodbye. But wheres the part where you notice that I'm gone?**