{You Know All The Right People}
This will probably be my last blog for a while, and possibly ever if I'm eaten by a shark while I'm in Destin.
Tomorow, Heather and I are taking our much needed road trip and I am soooo excited. We went shopping for food and stuff tonight so we dont have to stop as much tomorow and I cant freaking wait!
Friday, ((and possibly tomorow night)) are my Liz days because she comes home TOMOROW!!!!!!!!!! then she leaves on Saturday so we have to make the most of our short time together. Plus I'm working on music camp dances and having lunch with Keila and Katherine on Friday...talk about fun!
Saturday is CeLeBrAtE FrEeDoM '05 and im like flipping out excited about it. Last year was soooo much fun and this year is gonna be like 10 million times better.
Then Sunday my family and I leave for good old Alabama/Florida. We'll be in bama until the 5th when we'll drive down to Destin. Then we'll spend 4 days in the beautiful sun on the beautiful beaches of beautiful Florida. Barring any shark attacks its going to be awesome. Try not to miss me too much, I mean it's only a week people.
Like Brent talked about in biblestudy tonight, we tend to feel more spiritual in places like the mountains or the beach, so I am really looking forward to spending time with God away from the confinement of my room.
Plus it will be really refreshing to get away from stupid people with stupid issues for a while. I mean, I say that like my family doesnt have stupid issues, but I'm talking like non-family members. No nannying, or dumb telivision, or dumb distractions, or computers. Which means I'll have plenty of time to journal and read and sort out my head.
I think I should take trips like these more often, I definently waist way too much time being online, sleeping, being lazy, etc.
Okay I'm getting off track. So like I said, don't miss me too much. It'll be hard, but you'll pull through. Make good choices while I'm gone, too. And leave me comments! After being gone this long, I BETTER get some serious comments people.
*P.S. If a shark does end up killing me, just know that I love you all.
:: MoRe ThAn OcEaNs AwAy FrOm WhO wE aRe ::